Prioritising ESG in 2024: The rise of the Sustainability Manager role

LinkedIn’s recent analysis showed the role of Sustainability Manager has emerged as the fastest-growing job in the UK, indicative of an increasing corporate focus on sustainable practices and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations.

This ranking reflects a larger trend, highlighting the increasing importance of sustainability within the economy. As climate change becomes an ever-present reality, organisations are feeling the pressure to incorporate responsible practices into their operations. The intersection of ethical and financial considerations is prompting businesses to actively seek professionals who can navigate the complexities of sustainable management.

TBA are well-versed in ESG practices and our commitment to continuous learning means we are on the pulse of the best solutions to advise appropriately and help you drive your sustainability and ESG objectives.

Today's consumers are not simply seeking products or services; they are aligning themselves with brands that exhibit a commitment to environmental responsibility and ethical conduct.

This shift is particularly significant for businesses engaged in brand experiences and events. We like to think we transcend the conventional role of event management, rather adopting the role as strategic partner in supporting you in aligning brand activations with environmental and social responsibility.

We understand that an event can be a powerful vehicle for conveying brand values. We work alongside you to ensure your sustainability and ESG goals are achieved, whether that be prioritising sustainability by adopting eco-friendly materials, instituting zero-waste initiatives, creating inclusive content, or integrating environmentally conscious practices seamlessly into event execution.

Beyond the event itself, at TBA, we offer support and recommendations in embedding sustainability into the fabric of a brand. In an era where consumer loyalty is closely tied to shared values, we help businesses establish a meaningful connection with their audience, fostering a brand identity synonymous with environmental consciousness.

For brands contemplating a strategic alignment with sustainable practices, we are here to help facilitate this transition. Our commitment extends beyond the creation of events; we are dedicated to assisting businesses in cultivating a brand that is both impactful and socially responsible.

Ready to explore the possibilities of sustainable solutions for your upcoming brand experience?

Get in touch:

Jonathan Terry, Executive Director


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